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merit system (量才錄用或提升的)人才制度。


As we know , china has a continuous history about five thousand years and also has a long history of its official system , which is indispensable to maintain the state machinery , safeguard the political operation and the development of economy and culture in ancient time . an important component part of this system is what is reduced to merit system whose objective is to drain away the mud and bring in fresh water 中華民族立國悠久,已有四千多年未曾中斷的歷史,其中中國的文官制度也是源遠流長,它對于維護國家機器的運轉,保障古代的政治運作和經濟文化的發展有著無法替代的作用,而中國文官制度中的重要一環就是被歸納為“揚清激濁”的考績制度。

The first part tries to classify and define the conception of public servant and review the theory of the of public servant system , the second part analyses the problems of our civil servants system and the challenge it faces with . the third part points out the measures for the reformation and improvement of chinese civil servants system : firstly , we should have a correct realization of the reformation and improvement of chinese civil servants system ; secondly , the range and classification of the civil servants should be defined distinctly ; thirdly , the management according to the civil servants should be carried into execution , and the merit system should be improved ; fourthly , the rule of the inspiriting mechanism for civil servants should be remolded ; fifthly , the model of civil servants system should be chosen properly , and the government should be rebuilt as an enterprise 本文由以下三部分組成:第一部分嘗試著對國家公務員的含義進行了界定,并概述了相關理論;第二部分分析了我國國家公務員制度存在的問題與面臨的挑戰;第三部分提出改革和完善公務員制度的對策:首先要正確認識我國公務員制度改革的理論與現實依據;其次應重新界定公務員范圍與分類;其三實施績效管理,完善考核制度;其四建立科學的更新機制,逐步實現公務員隊伍的年輕化;其五確立重塑公務員激勵機制的原則;最后應合理進行公務員制度的范式選擇,再造企業型政府。

Based on the study of phantom stock plan , a set of datailed program is designed which includes establishment of incentive fund , determination of internal price , institution of merit system for the plan ' s grantors , award of phantom stock , exercise and management of phantom stock plan 研究虛擬股票期權計劃,對其中有關基金的設立、內部價格的確定、虛擬股票期權計劃獲受人的考核與授予、行權和管理等方面內容進行技術設計,為企業提供一個有較強可操作性和科學性的實施方案

This article contains three parts , five chapters . the first part introduces the incentive models of actual bonus stock synoptically , analyses the stock on hand , option shares and stock option , the three kind of important incentive models , on rights and incumbencies , value and the incentive guidance by contrast . the second part discusses the difficulties and influential factors in the design of technical bonus stock , quests for the incentive models of technical bonus stock , analyses superiority and inferior position in action , difference and interosculation between them , discusses the need and significance for the technical bonus stock reanimation in the middle - small technicalfilms . in order to make use of the technical bonus stock distribution mechanism fully , inspire the talent of technologists , encourage their devotion to films , we have some important discussion on the technical bonus stock distribution policy , introduce the distributed models of technical bonus stock , point out the questions in the excutive course , and offer the solution correspondingly . in the third part , we discuss the technical stock option design on middle - small technical films , and consider the logical thoughtfulness in the course of reanimation as follows : the more outstanding achievement for the powered man the more increase on special target the lower price on technical option premium the more profit the more effective reanimation . in the parameter , a set of detailed program is designed , which includes establishment of incentive fund , institution of merit system for the plan ' s grantors , award of stock option , determination of premium , so as to reduce random in the incentive course , have a great effect on the mormative management for the 本文內容共分為五章三大部分,第一部分概括性地介紹了現行股權激勵方式,對現股、期股和期權這三種重要的激勵方式,從權利義務、價值和激勵導向三個方面進行了對比分析;第二部分探討了技術股權設計的難點和影響因素,討論了我國中小科技企業技術股權激勵的方式,分析它們在激勵中的優勢和不足,以及它們之間的區別與聯系,并對中小科技企業實施技術股權激勵的必要性和意義進行了探討。在文中還重點討論了中小科技企業技術股權分配的策略,介紹了技術股權紅利分配方式,指出在技術股權激勵過程中應注意的問題,并提出相應的解決辦法,目的在于充分利用技術股權分配機制,來激發技術人員潛在的創新能力,激勵他們為企業作貢獻;第三部分著重探討了中小科技企業技術股份期權的方案設計,在激勵方面,按照技術期權獲受人的業績越突出特定的指標增長越快行權價越低獲利越多激勵效果越好的邏輯思路進行考慮;在參數設計方面,對技術期權計劃中激勵基金、授予和考核、行權價格等參數進行了詳細地分析設計,旨在減少技術期權激勵過程中的隨意性,為中小科技企業的規范化管理起到一定的指導和借鑒作用。

This part is to expatiate on the concrete content of the merit system in four aspects : material institutions and content of the merit system of ancient china , classification of the results of the inspection and measures to prevent the departure from the truth of the inspection 該部分從古代考績制度的具體考績機構、內容以及考績的等籌劃分,防止考績失真的措施等四個方面對該制度的具體內容作了詳盡的闡述。

The present thesis looks chiefly into the connotation and the importance of purchasing management , and puts forward some suggestions of how to carry out purchasing management , how to improve the processing management and merit system as well 本文對采購管理的重要性作了論述,介紹了采購管理的內涵,并提出了采購管理實施的一些方法,對采購作業流程管理和績效考核提出了改進的意見。

This part is to mainly discuss the characteristics of the merit system in three aspects : 1 ) it formed and matured at a rather early time . 2 ) it was institutionalized during its formation 該部分對該制度的特點主要從三方面進行表述:時間上的形成早、成熟早;形成上的制度化、 “法治”化:程序上的自下而上,皇權控制。

As to constraint mechanisms regal merit system , selection system and business consume currency system are built up to regulate the operator ' s running behaviors and ensure a fair competing environments 通過建立監督機制和職務消費貨幣化、退休養老醫療保障等制度,為經營者規范經營行為、建立公平的競爭環境提供了保障。

Make a comprehensive view of the merit system of ancient china and we can see that although it contained quite a few defects , its positive effect is unable to neglect 綜觀中國古代的考績制度,盡管有著不少弊端,但其在歷史上所起的進步作用卻是不容忽視的。

Although quite a few dynasties had established regulations or laws of the merit system , it is rather difficult to carry out without fear or favor in practice 雖然不少朝代都制定了考績的法律法規制度,而在實質的執行中很難做到公正無私。

Merit systems protection board : 1120 vermont ave , nw , washington , dc 20419 ; tel . ( 202 ) 653 - 8898 ; fax ( 202 ) 653 - 7130 ; f . 1883 ; chair . - ben l . erdreich 考績制度保護委員會: 1883年成立。主席本?埃德賴希。

This article is to make a systematic investigation into the merit system in several aspects as follows : part 1 . - introduction 本文從以下幾個部分對該制度進行了論述:第一部分:緒論。

Human - capital characteristics and establishment of effective servant merit system 人力資本特性與公務員業績有效考核機制構建